The last finalists for the AMMAs have been announced. In the top category, Media Agency of the Year, Havas Media is up against two GroupM brands: Mindshare, number one in the latest UMA rankings, and Wavemaker, credited with the highest absolute growth last year in the same rankings. At this stage, regardless of their respective records, it should be remembered that the three agencies are level on the list of nominees (three for Wavemaker and Havas Media, and two for Mindshare).

For their part, five leading agencies are competing for the title of Media Saleshouse of the Year: Var, Ads & Data, Rossel Advertising, JCDecaux and Clear Channel; in the “challengers” category, there are three: PopUp Media, Roularta Advertising and Trustmedia.

The Media Brand of the Year will be contested by two products of the Var/VRT tandem – Warmste Week and #LikeMe -, Trends/KanaalZ (Roularta), Sabato (Trustmedia/Mediafin) and Kotplanet (Rossel Advertising).

Next come the five nominations for Best Long Term Media Strategy: “Fuelling the Funnel” (Hipro/EssenceMediacom), “Know You Can” (Axa/Wavemaker), “Maximizing the Moment” (Aldi/Publicis Groupe) as well as “VW charges ahead” and “In Connection with the Consumers”, two Space entries for D’Ieteren and Engie respectively.

Finally, the finalists in the Media Advertiser of the Year category, who will succeed jury president José Fernandez, are Naomi Osorio Galan (The Coca-Cola Company), Luc Latour (Axa) and Gaetano Palermo (Engie).

All the other finalists can be found here:

The awards ceremony will take place on 6 June. To register: