Social Data. The New Driver for Marketing Strategy. | Lanoba Blog on Social Login, Sharing and Analytics.

There is a new generation of consumer data: social data. Social data is anything and everything collected from social network profiles and behaviors i.e. sharing activity, gender, interests, birthday, etc… And since social media is here to stay, accessing this information has never been more important.

In fact, 97% of marketers surveyed by Wildfire believe that social media is an integral part of their business model and marketing strategy. However, what most companies don’t realize is that they can tap into the vast amount of data contained in the online social footprints that consumers leave behind. Utilizing this data to maximize marketing output and increase ROI is called Social Data Strategy.

The following diagram illustrates the role that social data plays in the marketing strategy process.

Lanoba Social Login Data Infographics

Social login data strategy: using social media profile data to fuel integrated marketing campaigns.

Download a PDF version of the above Infographics.

As you can see, social data provides powerful insight into the consumer. Information such as interests, location, job position, and sharing patterns provide companies with a complete view of each and every customer. This type of consumer intelligence might inspire a new product, help with the messaging of a radio campaign or simply help communicate to customers in a more meaningful way. See more examples in my blog 4 Examples of Driving Marketing Strategies with Social Login Analytics.

Andreas Weigend, Professor at Stanford University and former Chief Scientist at Amazon identifies this time as aRevolution of Social Data because it “fundamentally alters the relationship between buyers and sellers” forcing marketers to think differently. At the foundation of a social data strategy, Weigend states that a marketer must:

  1. Address each customer as an individual, not as a target.
  2. Design campaigns to encourage social sharing.
  3. Recognize how social data influences decision making, everything from how to create and sell products to   how you acquire and lose customers.

The social data era is upon us! How will you leverage it?

About Lanoba

Lanoba provides easy registration for website users by giving them the option to log in to your website via their existing social network accounts such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, among others. Lanoba captures permission-based profile & behavioral data, then aggregates, stores and presents it in powerful analytics helping drive ROI through targeted marketing campaigns.